Mart 2016 – Exchange Updates
Mart 2016 ayının, Exchange Server’ın her versiyonu için güncellemelerin çıktığı bir ay olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Exchange Server 2007, 2010, 2013 ve 2016 için yeni CU ve Rollup’lar yayınlandı.
Listemiz aşağıdaki gibidir;
Exchange 2016 CU1 fixes:
- KB 3139730 Edge Transport service crashes when you view the properties of a poison message in Exchange Server 2016
- KB 3135689 A custom SAP ODI URI is removed by ActiveSync from an email message in an Exchange Server environment
- KB 3135688 Preserves the web.config file for Outlook Web App when you apply a cumulative update in Exchange Server 2016
- KB 3135601 Cyrillic characters are displayed as question marks when you run the “Export-PublicFolderStatistics.ps1” script in an Exchange Server 2016 environment
- KB 3124242 Mailbox quota is not validated during migration to Exchange Server 2013 or Exchange Server 2016
Exchange 2013 CU12 fixes:
- KB 3143710 “Failed Search or Export” error occurs when an eDiscovery search in the Exchange Admin Center finishes
- KB 3138644 Messages are stuck in the Submission queue until NDRs are returned or the server is restarted
- KB 3137585 OAuth authentication fails in a proxy scenario between Exchange Server 2013 hybrid on-premises and Office 365
- KB 3137581 An eDiscovery search of all mailboxes or some Distribution Groups fails when you use the Exchange Administration Center
- KB 3137390 “DeviceId cannot contain hyphens” warning occurs when you use the Exchange Management Shell or the Exchange Administration Center to remove the associations in Exchange Server
- KB 3137384 Error occurs when you remove an ActiveSync device in the Exchange Management Shell or from the Exchange Administration Center
- KB 3137383 CafeLocalProbe fails if the Health Mailbox UPN doesn’t match its Active Directory domain name
- KB 3137380 Both read receipts and Non-read receipts are generated when an email is read through IMAP or POP in Exchange Server 2013
- KB 3137377 MSExchange FrontEnd Transport service crashes when email messages are processed that contain a null “X-OriginatorOrg” message header
- KB 3136694 Calendar items are not synced correctly when you use Exchange ActiveSync on a mobile device
- KB 3136404 Searching by Furigana in Outlook’s address book is unsuccessful in an Exchange Server 2013 environment
- KB 3135689 A custom SAP ODI URI is removed by ActiveSync from an email message in an Exchange Server environment
- KB 3135334 Cannot set Title in Exchange Admin Center (ECP) if it contains more than 64 characters
- KB 3135269 Event ID 4999 with MSExchangerepl.exe and MSExchangeDagMgmt.exe crash in Exchange Server 2013 environment
- KB 3135018 Cannot remove devices when the DeviceType property includes a forward slash
- KB 3134952 EdgeTransport.exe crashes when you view details of messages in the poison message queue
- KB 3134918 An IRM-protected message sent to an external contact isn’t returned in a search or discovery results when journaling is implemented in an Exchange Server 2013 environment
- KB 3134894 The “Search-Mailbox” cmdlet together with the “Attachment” property keyword lists all items that contain the query string of “attachment”
- KB 3128706 HttpProxy overloads a downlevel Client Access Server in an Exchange Server 2013 co-existence environment
- KB 3124248 Managed Availability responders fail because of invalid WindowsService names in an Exchange Server 2013 environment
- KB 3124242 Mailbox quota is not validated during migration to Exchange Server 2013 or Exchange Server 2016
- KB 3124064 Event ID 1009 is logged and no Health Manager alerts on failed content indexes during migration in Exchange Server 2013
- KB 3118902 Resource Booking Assistant doesn’t update the subject of a recurring meeting in Exchange Server 2013
- KB 3109539 Exchange Management Shell doesn’t return the correct number of Exchange Server 2013 Enterprise CALs license
- KB 3108415 Logon for POP3 client disconnects randomly in an Exchange Server 2013 environment
- KB 3106236 The “Export-PublicFolderStatistics.ps1” cmdlet exports Russian (Cyrillic) characters as question marks
- KB 3098561 “Error executing child request for /owa/auth/errorFE.aspx” when you browse to /ECP in Exchange Server 2013