Password Change Notification Powershell Script
Kullanıcı şifrelerinin değişim süresi, yönetilmesi gereken bir konu olarak her daim karşımızda. Kullanıcı şifresini değiştirmeyi unutur ise, şifresi kitleniyor veya yardım masası tarafının müdahale olması gerekiyor. Her ne kadar bu süreci bazı 3.parti yazılımlarla otomatize edilebiliyor olsa da, bu yazılımlar ücretli ve lisanslıdır. Bedava en efektif çözümleri powershell ile uygulayabiliyoruz.
Robert Pearman bu sürece inanılmaz bir katkı sağlamış. Kullanıcılara sizin belirleyeceğiniz interval aralıklarında email ile hatırlatma yapan müthiş bir script hazırlamış. Script maxpasswordage, lastpwdset gibi değişkenleri okuyarak şifrenin ne zaman expire olacagını kullanıcıya mail ile bildiriyor. Kullanıcıya gelen örnek mail aşağıdaki gibidir;
Script içeriğinde ki metinleri istediginiz gibi güncelleyebilirsiniz. Script’i github’dan inderebilirsiniz. Herhangi bir DC üzerinde her gün çalışacak şekilde task schedule’a ekleyerek kullanabilirsiniz. Detaylı kullanımı içerisinde mevcut, ben örnek kullanımı paylaşıyorum.
PowerShell Password Reminder Script Updated!
PasswordChangeNotification.ps1 -smtpServer -expireInDays 7 -from “IT Support <>” -logging -logpath C:\reports -interval 1,3,5,7
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<# .Synopsis Script to Automated Email Reminders when Users Passwords due to Expire. .DESCRIPTION Script to Automated Email Reminders when Users Passwords due to Expire. Robert Pearman (Cloud & Data Center MVP) Version 2.6 October 2017 Requires: Windows PowerShell Module for Active Directory For assistance and ideas, visit the TechNet Gallery Q&A Page. .EXAMPLE PasswordChangeNotification.ps1 -smtpServer -expireInDays 21 -from "IT Support <>" -Logging -LogPath "c:\logFiles" -testing -testRecipient .EXAMPLE PasswordChangeNotification.ps1 -smtpServer -expireInDays 21 -from "IT Support <>" -reportTo -interval 1,2,5,10,15 #> param( # $smtpServer Enter Your SMTP Server Hostname or IP Address [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=0)] [ValidateNotNull()] [string]$smtpServer, # Notify Users if Expiry Less than X Days [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [ValidateNotNull()] [int]$expireInDays, # From Address, eg "IT Support <>" [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=2)] [ValidateNotNull()] [string]$from, [Parameter(Position=3)] [switch]$logging, # Log File Path [Parameter(Position=4)] [string]$logPath, # Testing Enabled [Parameter(Position=5)] [switch]$testing, # Test Recipient, eg [Parameter(Position=6)] [string]$testRecipient, # Output more detailed status to console [Parameter(Position=7)] [switch]$status, # Log file recipient [Parameter(Position=8)] [string]$reportto, # Notification Interval [Parameter(Position=9)] [array]$interval ) ################################################################################################################### $start = [datetime]::Now $midnight = $start.Date.AddDays(1) $timeToMidnight = New-TimeSpan -Start $start -end $midnight.Date $midnight2 = $start.Date.AddDays(2) $timeToMidnight2 = New-TimeSpan -Start $start -end $midnight2.Date # System Settings $textEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 $today = $start # End System Settings # Get Users From AD who are Enabled, Passwords Expire and are Not Currently Expired Import-Module ActiveDirectory $padVal = "20" Write-Output "Script Loaded" Write-Output "*** Settings Summary ***" $smtpServerLabel = "SMTP Server".PadRight($padVal," ") $expireInDaysLabel = "Expire in Days".PadRight($padVal," ") $fromLabel = "From".PadRight($padVal," ") $testLabel = "Testing".PadRight($padVal," ") $testRecipientLabel = "Test Recipient".PadRight($padVal," ") $logLabel = "Logging".PadRight($padVal," ") $logPathLabel = "Log Path".PadRight($padVal," ") $reportToLabel = "Report Recipient".PadRight($padVal," ") $interValLabel = "Intervals".PadRight($padval," ") if($testing) { if(($testRecipient) -eq $null) { Write-Output "No Test Recipient Specified" Exit } } if($logging) { if(($logPath) -eq $null) { $logPath = $PSScriptRoot } } Write-Output "$smtpServerLabel : $smtpServer" Write-Output "$expireInDaysLabel : $expireInDays" Write-Output "$fromLabel : $from" Write-Output "$logLabel : $logging" Write-Output "$logPathLabel : $logPath" Write-Output "$testLabel : $testing" Write-Output "$testRecipientLabel : $testRecipient" Write-Output "$reportToLabel : $reportto" Write-Output "$interValLabel : $interval" Write-Output "*".PadRight(25,"*") $users = get-aduser -filter {(Enabled -eq $true) -and (PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false)} -properties Name, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordExpired, PasswordLastSet, EmailAddress | where { $_.passwordexpired -eq $false } # Count Users $usersCount = ($users | Measure-Object).Count Write-Output "Found $usersCount User Objects" # Collect Domain Password Policy Information $defaultMaxPasswordAge = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy -ErrorAction Stop).MaxPasswordAge.Days Write-Output "Domain Default Password Age: $defaultMaxPasswordAge" # Collect Users $colUsers = @() # Process Each User for Password Expiry Write-Output "Process User Objects" foreach ($user in $users) { $Name = $user.Name $emailaddress = $user.emailaddress $passwordSetDate = $user.PasswordLastSet $samAccountName = $user.SamAccountName $pwdLastSet = $user.PasswordLastSet # Check for Fine Grained Password $maxPasswordAge = $defaultMaxPasswordAge $PasswordPol = (Get-AduserResultantPasswordPolicy $user) if (($PasswordPol) -ne $null) { $maxPasswordAge = ($PasswordPol).MaxPasswordAge.Days } # Create User Object $userObj = New-Object System.Object $expireson = $pwdLastSet.AddDays($maxPasswordAge) $daysToExpire = New-TimeSpan -Start $today -End $Expireson # Round Up or Down if(($daysToExpire.Days -eq "0") -and ($daysToExpire.TotalHours -le $timeToMidnight.TotalHours)) { $userObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name UserMessage -Value "Bugün" } if(($daysToExpire.Days -eq "0") -and ($daysToExpire.TotalHours -gt $timeToMidnight.TotalHours) -or ($daysToExpire.Days -eq "1") -and ($daysToExpire.TotalHours -le $timeToMidnight2.TotalHours)) { $userObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name UserMessage -Value "Yarın" } if(($daysToExpire.Days -ge "1") -and ($daysToExpire.TotalHours -gt $timeToMidnight2.TotalHours)) { $days = $daysToExpire.TotalDays $days = [math]::Round($days) $userObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name UserMessage -Value "$days" } $daysToExpire = [math]::Round($daysToExpire.TotalDays) $userObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name UserName -Value $samAccountName $userObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Name $userObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name EmailAddress -Value $emailAddress $userObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name PasswordSet -Value $pwdLastSet $userObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DaysToExpire -Value $daysToExpire $userObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ExpiresOn -Value $expiresOn $colUsers += $userObj } $colUsersCount = ($colUsers | Measure-Object).Count Write-Output "$colusersCount Users processed" $notifyUsers = $colUsers | where { $_.DaysToExpire -le $expireInDays} $notifiedUsers = @() $notifyCount = ($notifyUsers | Measure-Object).Count Write-Output "$notifyCount Users to notify" foreach ($user in $notifyUsers) { # Email Address $samAccountName = $user.UserName $emailAddress = $user.EmailAddress # Set Greeting Message $name = $user.Name $messageDays = $user.UserMessage # Subject Setting $subject="Windows Parolanızın süresi doluyor!" # Email Body Set Here, Note You can use HTML, including Images. $body =" <font face=""Calibri""> Sayın $name, <p> Parolanızın süresi $messageDays gün içerisinde dolacaktır! <br> <p>Parolanızı hemen değiştirmek için CTRL+ALT+DEL tuş kombinasyonunu kullanabilirsiniz...<br> <p> Eğer mobil cihazlarınızdan mail okuyor iseniz, sözkonusu cihazlarda parola değişikliğini gerçekleştirmeyi unutmayınız!<br> </P> </font>" # If Testing Is Enabled - Email Administrator if($testing) { $emailaddress = $testRecipient } # End Testing # If a user has no email address listed if(($emailaddress) -eq $null) { $emailaddress = $testRecipient }# End No Valid Email $samLabel = $samAccountName.PadRight($padVal," ") if($status) { Write-Output "Sending Email : $samLabel : $emailAddress" } try { if($interval) { $daysToExpire = [int]$user.DaysToExpire if(($interval.Contains($daysToExpire))) { Send-Mailmessage -smtpServer $smtpServer -from $from -to $emailaddress -subject $subject -body $body -bodyasHTML -priority High -Encoding $textEncoding -ErrorAction Stop $user | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SendMail -Value "OK" } else { $user | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SendMail -Value "No" } } else { Send-Mailmessage -smtpServer $smtpServer -from $from -to $emailaddress -subject $subject -body $body -bodyasHTML -priority High -Encoding $textEncoding -ErrorAction Stop $user | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SendMail -Value "OK" } } catch { $errorMessage = $_.exception.Message if($status) { $errorMessage } $user | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SendMail -Value $errorMessage } $notifiedUsers += $user } if($logging) { # Create Log File Write-Output "Creating Log File" $day = $today.Day $month = $today.Month $year = $today.Year $date = "$day-$month-$year" $logFileName = "$date-PasswordLog.csv" if(($logPath.EndsWith("\"))) { $logPath = $logPath -Replace ".$" } $logFile = $logPath, $logFileName -join "\" Write-Output "Log Output: $logfile" $notifiedUsers | Export-CSV $logFile -Encoding UTF8 if($reportTo) { $reportSubject = "Password Expiry Report" $reportBody = "Password Expiry Report Attached" try { Send-Mailmessage -smtpServer $smtpServer -from $from -to $reportTo -subject $reportSubject -body $reportbody -bodyasHTML -priority High -Encoding $textEncoding -Attachments $logFile -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $error = $_.Exception.Message Write-Output $error } } } $notifiedUsers | select UserName,Name,EmailAddress,PasswordSet,DaysToExpire,ExpiresOn | sort DaystoExpire | FT -autoSize $stop = [datetime]::Now $runTime = New-TimeSpan $start $stop Write-Output "Script Runtime: $runtime" # End |